Matching Grant Program
Rochester Hills- Allied Insurance Managers has had the great opportunity of partnering up with one of our carriers, Selective Insurance, to participate in their President’s Club Matching Grant Program. We have donated $250.00 to two charities of our choice, and Selective has matched the same donation. Our agency is proud to be able to take part in such a productive program to help out local charities. One non-profit organization supported by these donations is the Old Newsboys’ Goodfellow Fund of Detroit. Their mission is to provide holiday gifts to over 35,000 children in the Detroit, Highland Park, River Rouge, and Hamtramck areas. They also provide shoe and dental programs year-round, and scholarships to Wayne State University. The other Detroit based charity is called The Empowerment Plan. This organization was founded in 2011 by twenty-three year old Veronika Scott. She hires homeless women from local shelters to become full time seamstresses. These women then create a coat that converts into a sleeping bag, which is then distributed, at no cost, to homeless individuals around the city.
Please follow the links below to learn more: