What do you need to know about OSHA form 300A?
Workplace injuries and illnesses have been decreasing since 2014, while fatalities at work have decreased since 2016, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities (IIF) program.
The most recent data, which comes from 2017, shows that deaths went from 5190 in 2016 to 5147 and injuries/illnesses decreased from 2953.5 in 2014 to 2811.5.
With both statistics on a downward trend, it makes you wonder… are workplaces becoming safer?
Former Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) David Michaels said there is a link between safer workplaces and more productive workplaces.
“By managing for safety, businesses are not only safer places to work, but the firms become more productive and profitable,” said Michaels. “It’s a win-win proposition.”
But these statistics don’t report themselves. They’re collected through OSHA form 300A.
If you’re a Michigan employer recognized by OSHA, you have until April 30, 2019 to complete, sign, and post their 300A summary for the 2018 calendar year.
How do you know if you’re an OSHA recognized employer?
You are most likely recognized by OSHA if your company has more than 10 employees, and therefore fall under the deadline to complete the form. (However there are certain exempt low-risk industries, which you can find here.)
While the federal government and the state of Michigan have different forms, Michigan’s workplace recordkeeping requirements and maintenance of employee medical records mirror the federal requirements from OSHA, and employers may use either the state or federal recordkeeping forms.
The 300A summary and the injury/illness/fatality logs are two separate forms.
In Michigan, employers are required to report these injuries and illnesses to Michigan’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA):
- Impatient Hospitalizations
- Amputations
- Loss of Eye
- Workplace Fatalities
Employers must report all fatalities over the phone at 800-858-0397.
The other injuries and illnesses may be reported in three ways.
- By phone or in person to the MIOSHA office nearest to where the accident took place
- Over the phone to the MIOSHA’s toll-free central number (844-464-6742)
- By an electronic submission found on MIOSHA’s website
Federally, employers are required to report injuries that result in medical treatment beyond first aid, days away from work, loss of consciousness, modified workload or job transfer, or death.
Federal OSHA recordkeeping mandates that injuries are reported on 300A log within a week of the accident.
In addition to completing and filing the 300A summary form, OSHA recordkeeping standards require that employers post their injury and illness summary, even if no serious injury or illness has occurred, in the same location as their routine employee notices.
OSHA also recommends that you keep each year’s injury logs and 300A summary for five years after the year has been completed.
The 300A summary form is a simplified version of the yearly logs, and employers report the total number of cases, days off, injury and illness types, and your establishments information.
Completing the 300A summary helps OSHA, employers, and employees evaluate workplace and industry safety and ways to reduce/eliminate workplace hazards.
You can find the federal OSHA 300A here, on page two.